Traian Băsescu
President Traian Băsescu declared on Monday that more suprises will arise in the Microsoft file.
The chief of state denied that, in the Microsoft file, files were received from FBI.
„The most complex information was in 2009, referring to a possible fraud, and that information – in a more detailed manner – was sent to DNA, and that’s how it started, easily”, declared president Basescu, specifying that the information came from the Romanian secret services.
Asked if there will be more surprises in this file, Basescu said: “Yes, there will be”, specifying that it is also about physical persons.
„I have retrieved older data, because I had the entire Microsoft file and I have noticed that 9 companies and private persons, meaning those who carried the commissions, are rather common in the intelligence I had about Microsoft. I found in Microsoft people that were also found in the negative reports on EADS presented by the security entities, we don’t hide this now”, said Băsescu