Washinghton Post o alege pe Melinda Gates in Bordul de Directori Executivi in anul 2004, la mult timp dupa ce Bill Gates mituise tot Guvernul Romaniei incepind din anul 2000, si CIA mituise inalti oficiali incepind din anul 2002, cam cind Microsoft Siemens si EADS incepusera si ei un nou program vast de mituire a tuturor Guvernelor prezente si viitoare.
Washinghton Post afla de inchisorile secrete si de locatiile acestora in anul 2005, si negociaza cu autoritatile americane sa nu dezvaluie locatiile acestora.
Din mita in mita si din propaganda in propaganda, Bill Gates ajunge sa fie chiar si decorat in anul 2007 de Basescu, la solicitarea lui Tariceanu partener cu Vladescu, pentru jaful extrem comis in numele stiintei si tehnicii astfel promovat de SRI si MAI si protejat de DNA si Microsoft.
Sobolanii se imbogatesc din tortura si din tilharie si jafuri continue comise cu o dezinvoltura criminala fara precedent, se pare unica in lume.
Directorul General Microsoft Ovidiu Artopolescu si sotia Corina Artopolescu comisar sef MAI Director proiect de informatizare si securizare a frontierelor, emuleaza pe plan local famiglia Gates, sub privirile paterne ale tuturor sefilor de servicii incepind din anul 2001 pina in prezentul continuu.
Ulterior acestora li se adauga Sebastian Vladescu si Sebastian Ghita care se asociaza in cele din urma pentru a promova “lumea lui Maior”, bazata pe mita si dezinformare, la Bruxelles (vezi cazul Micul Guccifer – Nelu Neacsu – Kovesi).
Washinton Post, New York Times si Wall Street Journal ne povestesc inca si astazi cit de patrioti curajosi si dedicati democratiei sunt Kovesi, Maior, Bill si Melinda, Ovidiu si Corina, Ghita si Micul Guccifer, si cit bine ne-au facut si continua sa ne faca acestia atit cit putem si noi sa intelegem, asa in timpenia noastra.
Cind nu putem sa intelegem sau/si sa ne intelegem cu Ghita, Vintu, Coldea, Maior, Vladescu, Artopolescu, Kovesi, Tulus, Voicu si multi altii suntem executati pentru inalta tradare, suntem umiliti, torturati si exterminati cu metodele cele mai abjecte ale Securitatii si ale Evanghelismului Microsoft.
Ce COINCIDENTA ! … o sti Melinda de Corina si Bill de inchisori si de SRI si CIA
Washington Post, September 10, 2004 : Melinda Gates Joins Washington Post Co. as Director – Ex-Microsoft Executive Elected to Board
Washington Post, November 2, 2005 : CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
The existence and locations of the facilities — referred to as „black sites” in classified White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents — are known to only a handful of officials in the United States and, usually, only to the president and a few top intelligence officers in each host country.
The Washington Post is not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries involved in the covert program, at the request of senior U.S. officials. They argued that the disclosure might disrupt counterterrorism efforts in those countries and elsewhere and could make them targets of possible terrorist retaliation.
Melinda French Gates, philanthropist and wife of billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has resigned from the Washington Post Co. board of directors, the company announced Friday November 12, 2010.
Melinda French Gates, philanthropist and wife of Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates, has resigned from The Washington Post Co.’s board of directors.
Gates, who runs the multibillion-dollar Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with her husband, joined The Washington Post Co.’s board in 2004.
The Washington Post Co. board now has 11 members, including Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway company owns about 24 percent of the firm. Buffett has pledged to donate much of his fortune to the Gates Foundation. According to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website, the foundation has assets of $36.4 billion, more than 870 employees and links to more than 100 countries.
President Barack Obama has proposed regulations that would restrict the flow of taxpayer money to for-profit colleges, which get up to 90 percent of their revenue from federal grants and loans and received $26.5 billion last year in U.S. student aid.
According to a Bloomberg report, “for-profit colleges in the 2008–2009 academic year received $4.3 billion in federal Pell grants, which help low-income students pay for college, quadruple the amount they received 10 years earlier.”