Domnul Maior aveti grija sa nu ii iritati pe Microsoft si partenerii Medist si RSC ! Ei nu fura, ei fac cadouri la SRI la fel cum in Romania nu au fost inchisori secrete.

feinstein-ghita-maior-hayden-ghita-vladescu“History will judge us by our commitment to a just society governed by law and the willingness to face an ugly truth and say ‘never again.’ ” Senator Dianne Feinstein of California Chairwomen of the Commission to Investigate CIA torture and secret prisons

The program expanded, with dozens of detainees taken to secret prisons in Poland, Romania, Lithuania and other countries. At one point, the report says, the C.I.A. assured Congress that the behavior of the secret jailers and interrogators was nothing like the horrors the world saw at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. That was the closest the agency seems to have come to the truth — what happened appears to have been worse than what took place at Abu Ghraib.

“Ilascu sustine ca cei care au elaborat raportul Dick Marty au avut mai multe documente decat Comisia romana de ancheta si nu a exclus ca raportul sa fie neconcludent pentru a nu-i irita pe americani, peremistul sustinand ca de ancheta s-au ocupat mai mult Norica Nicolai si George Maior, actualul sef al SRI. Membri ai fostei Comisii CIA din Parlamentul Romaniei au afirmat, pentru NewsIn, ca din documentele cercetate in 2006 nu au rezultat informatii cu privire la centre de detentie pe teritoriul tarii noastre, dar unii dintre ei au remarcat totusi ca o astfel de acuzatie ar fi greu de demonstrat.

In total, 119 detinuti au fost capturati si arestati in cadrul acestui program secret al CIA, in inchisori secrete din tari neidentificate, dar printre care se numara cel mai probabil Thaïlanda, Afganistan, Romania, Polonia si Lituania.