Donald Trump l-a demis pe Directorul FBI, care il lauda pe Florian Coldea si pe Laura Codruta Kovesi in timp ce “anchetau” Microsoft …
… si pe Ghita pentru mita mascata data lui John Podesta (Mark Gitenstain) …
James Comey tocmai tinea un discurs la citeva blocuri distanta de Casa Alba, cind a vazut la un televizor din fundalul salii de conferinta stirea despre care a spus ca este o gluma buna ….
Dar a fost scos din sala de catre agenti FBI care i-au explicat ca scrisoarea de demitere este pe drum …
Si scrisoarea a venit …
Ce ne facem Kovesi ca se pare ca intrati in ancheta si la FBI ca ati vrut sa va afirmati in politica mondiala a lui George Soros …
Shortly thereafter, a letter from Mr. Trump was delivered to the F.B.I.’s headquarters, just seven blocks from the White House. Attorney General Jeff Sessions officially announcing their new boss. “The president of the United States has exercised his lawful authority to remove James B. Comey Jr. as the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the email read.
“By operation of law and effective immediately, deputy director Andrew McCabe assumed the position of acting director of the F.B.I. As you well know, the F.B.I. is an exceptional law enforcement and intelligence agency. It is made so by you, the devoted men and women who work tirelessly to keep our country safe. Thank you for your steadfast dedication and commitment during this time of transition.” — Rebecca R. Ruiz