Dormeau adânc sicriele de plumb,
Și flori de plumb și funerar veștmânt –
Stam singur în cavou… și era vânt…
Și scârțâiau coroanele de plumb.

Dormea întors amorul meu de plumb

Pe flori de plumb, și-am început să-l strig –
Stam singur lângă mort… și era frig…
Și-i atârnau aripile de plumb.

Plumb – George Bacovia

„Am venit aici după înlăturarea lui Ceaușescu, în ianuarie 1990 (3 Ianuarie 1990), cred că am sosit cu primul avion civil care a aterizat în București. Încă mai erau soldați aliniați pe drumul spre oraș, îmi amintesc că era zăpadă. România se mai afla încă în stare de criză, dar revoluția era deja terminată”, declara atunci George Soros.

Ca asa fac eu din cind in cind … mai fac revolutii si le mai termin, ca sunt si eu batrin si le las altora povara sa continue … daca mai pot … 

M-am intilnit cu Ion Iliescu si cu Silviu Brucan si ulterior i-am adus si pe Goldman Sachs si Microsoft.

Acum constat ca au furat tot si ca Evropa se duce de izbeliste …

… au ramas Manuel Durao Barroso (Goldman Sachs), Laura Codruta Kovesi (DNA) si altii … sa o salveze …

… ca eu si Bill Gates ne-am luat banii …

… si la puscarie se duce Gabriel Sandu … si alti fraieri care au pus botul la vrajelile noastre Mondiale … 

nu va luati de liberalism si de multi nationale … ca deveniti iconoclasti, indisincrozatici, noncongruenti si … ce mai vor sa spuna SRI-DNA … 


Interiorul GRU – Securitate – Soros – Goldman Sachs …




Soros iubeste bolsevismul luminat – 1989

The Gorbachev Prospect

Innocence Abroad – privatizarea CIA de catre George Soros

Soros vine repede la Bucuresti sa nu piarda timpul … si nu pierde nimic … doar cistiga … dar nu singur cu Goldmans Sachs – Microsoft si Ecosistemul …

„Noua Ordine” impusa de Soros – Goldman Sachs – Microsoft si ingerii de plumb … a venit cu mult plumb .. si cu Brucan … si continua cu mult aplomb … de la Barroso – Goldman Sachs

Desi George Soros este suparat ca „elitele” au furat plus-valoarea creata de globalizare … si au distrus liberalismul si versiunea dominanta a capitalismului ducind inexorabil la dezintegrarea Uniunii Europene dupa modelul consacrat chiar de el si Gorbacev in Uniunea Sovietica.

Manuel Durao Barroso ne explica chiar astazi, cu maxima emfaza cum Goldman Sachs urmeaza sa salveze din nou omenirea.

A spune orice altceva despre Evropa este blasfemie ! 

A vorbi fara maxima reverenta despre Microsoft este mult mai grav, according cu Hans Klemm care il contrazice pe George Soros si este de acord cu Manuel Durao Barroso si Laura Codruta Kovesi

A spune adevarul despre coruptia Microsoft – Comisia UE si SRI/DNA, incalca principiile lui Ion Iliescu, Silviu Brucan, Pantiusa si Goncearuk … 

Vom reveni … Laura Codruta Kovesi, Claudiu Dumitrescu si multi altii … dintre stapinii acestora …


Remarks by Ambassador Hans Klemm
National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust
Holocaust Memorial, Bucharest
Monday, October 9, 2017 – 1000

Members of the Parliament, Councilor, Observers of the Government, Distinguished Guests, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, as we remember today all the victims of the Holocaust, let us also note that there is a disturbing trend that is taking shape across Europe, one which hearkens back to the same rhetoric that gave rise to the Holocaust.

Sadly, anti-Semitism in some form has been present in Europe for hundreds of years, maybe a millennium. Yet, for roughly 50 years after the Second World War, memories of the horrors of the Holocaust served as a check on anti-Semitism across the continent.

Yet today, those who oppose liberalism and who espouse economic nationalism once again seek to attack and demonize Europe’s Jews and Jews outside of Europe. They do this directly, through nationalist demonstrations and vandalizing memorials and cemeteries. And they do this obliquely, such as by attacking multi-national businesses and alluding to purported and somehow nefarious Jewish ties to legitimate commercial enterprises to fuel animus and draw sinister conclusions.

The resurgence of anti-Semitic rhetoric, coupled with the economic upheavals caused by globalization, provide fertile ground for those who seek to manipulate public opinion and move Romania away from the foundations of its Euro-Atlantic principles.

This animosity is made worse by the rise of false narratives of all types, the “fake news” that makes its way from the Internet into the public discourse. There is only one goal of such narratives, one purpose: to divide us, to weaken our institutions and polarize our societies.

Politicians and journalists who succumb to the temptation to use these narratives may do so out of opportunism, sensing a chance for short-term gain even when they are not necessarily believers themselves. But that opportunism is ultimately devastating. And what is really being accomplished through it is the work of our enemies, of those who seek to do us harm.

It might be the racist, xenophobic fringe of the far right. It might be the malign influence of Russia. It might be those seeking to divide communities by stirring the pot of strident economic nationalism. All seek to weaken our partnerships and Trans-Atlantic orientation for their own ill-willed purposes.

Our only response to this threat must be to identify anti-Semitic narratives and resist them. And those who spread them unwillingly must be made to understand what is taking place. For only through resistance, through countering this appeal to people’s most base instincts, can we restore some balance to Europe and the world.

Just as we have pledged never to forget the nightmare of the Holocaust, we must be as vigilant in preventing current and future attacks against all cultural and religious minorities. We must not allow these people to act as scapegoats for others who are frustrated by a world that is becoming ever-more connected.

For our part, the United States is proud of the Strategic Partnership we have maintained with Romania for the past 20 years. Through it, we have been able to engage constructively on many issues, including the need to combat discrimination in all its forms. We also look to the European Union and all the important work it has done to harmonize relations between its member states and their populations.

As the renowned American, as the renowned son of Romania, Elie Wiesel, once said, “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

Thank you for your attention.