FBI – DoJ – FCPA ancheteaza pentru aflarea adevarului indiferent de statutul persoanelor investigate, considerind ca in cazul in care persoana este o persoana importanta cu atit mai mult aceasta are obligatia sa spuna adevarul.

Binomul SRI – DNA (Coldea – Kovesi) sunt dovediti a fi comis mai multe infractiuni si de a fi dezinformat intentionat institutii si societatea in ansamblul sau.

Cita credibilitate mai pot avea acestia in fata partenerilor nostri strategici care considera ca daca nu pot afla adevarul si nu ii incrimineaza pe cei care obstructioneaza anchetele inseamna ca trebuie sa isi dea demisiile.

Directorul FBI John Comey este bine cunoscut pentru faptul ca l-a sustinut pe colegul si prietenul sau procurorul Pat Fitzgerald pentru a il incrimina pe Lewis „Scooter” Libby, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney‘ Sef de Cabinet, nu pentru faptul ca a “scurs” informatii despre o agenta CIA in scopul de a o denigra, ci pentru ca a dezinformat si a obstructionat investigatiile facute de FBI si DoJ.

Libby a fost gasit vinovat de 4 capete de acuzare si condamnat la 2 ani si sase luni de inchisoare. Ulterior pedeapsa i-a fost comutata de George Bush Jr. pentru a nu merge la inchisoare, dar care totusi la sfirsitul mandatului nu a vrut sa il gratieze pe fostul sau Consilier Principal.


In cazul investigatiilor lui Hillary Clinton, cei 30 de investigatori FBI au solicitat sa semneze un angajament special pentru a fi testati cu detectorul de minciuni, astfel incit sa fie eliminata orice scurgere de informatii din cadrul anchetei.

FBI considera ca este vital pentru succesul investigatiilor pastrarea celui mai deplin secret, ceea ce considera si Kovesi – Coldea referitor la infractiunile comise in complicitate cu Ecosistemul Microsoft.


FBI investigheaza in cel mai deplin secret, astfel incit daca ajung sa poata incrimina acestia incrimineaza, daca nu reusesc sa adune probe pentru a dovedi infractiunile, atunci FBI nu distrug vieti si cariere degeaba.

Astfel incit pina la proba contrarie COLDEA – KOVESI sunt laudati de Directorul FBI John Comey, pina cind investigatiile for fi finalizate si acestia vor fi recunoscuti pentru faptele pe care le-au comis in incercarea de a obstructiona anchetele Microsoft.

Anuntul facut de FBI referitor la anchetarea Microsoft inseamna ca deja FBI are probe suficiente pentru a avertiza referitor la caracterul companiei respective.

Este de retinut faptul ca John Comey a refuzat sa raspunda Comisiei Congresului referitor la investigatiile Clinton Foundation, ceea ce inseamna ca nu au inca suficient de multe dovezi pentru a putea incrimina, desi se stie ca sunt peste 73 de dosare referitor la plati ilegale primite de catre Clinton Foundation “pay for play”.

John Comey a mai anchetat familia Clinton cu 20 de ani in urma, si a investigat si cazul Mark Rich si platile facute de acesta pentru Libraria Clinton si alegerea Senatorului Hillary Clinton in anul 2000, cu ocazia gratierii acestuia de catre Presedintele Bill Clinton in ultima ora de mandat. Clinton spune ca era deosebit de obosit si nu stia ce semneaza.

Avocatii care ii apara pe Clinton si pe asistentii acesteia stiu foarte bine ca Comey este gata sa ii incrimineze pentru obstructionarea justitiei si sunt acum gata sa colaboreze cu anchetatorii, ceea ce Kovesi – Coldea nu mai pot fi banuiti ca ar dori sa faca atit timp cit sunt acum obligati sa-si pazeasca propria piele si peneajul foarte ciufulit.


FBI investigheaza actele de coruptie comise de Microsoft in Romania, in conditiile in care aceste acte de coruptie au fost comise cu protectia si promovarea lui Kovesi – Coldea, beneficiari directi ai colaborarii cu “Ecosistemul Microsoft”.

FBI este informat de faptul ca autoritatile din Romania sunt corupte de catre Microsoft si ca timp de 20 de ani acestea au protejat in cunostinta de cauza si pentru mita, Ecosistemul Microsoft, bazat pe politicile Evangheliste de frauda, crima cibernetica, mita, spalare de bani, coruptie, crima organizata si terorism.

SRI: Afacerea LazărGate este de domeniul Siguranței Naționale


Lawyers preparing Clinton and her aides for possible interviews are well aware that Comey has a history of prosecuting those who impede investigators.

Comey is keeping a close watch on the investigation, getting briefings from team leaders and personally overseeing the case. Agents have been told they may be polygraphed to prevent leaks, the sources familiar with the probe say. “I want to ensure [the Clinton email investigation] is done in the ways the FBI does all its work: professionally, with integrity, promptly,” Comey told Congress in February. “And without any interference whatsoever.”

The agents have conducted interviews and done forensic analysis of the evidence collected. And they have executed process, the sources say, referring to a category of investigative tools that can include, among other things, subpoenas.

On December 30, 2003, after then-Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the CIA leak grand jury investigation of the Plame affair due to conflicts of interest, Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey, acting as Attorney General in Ashcroft’s place, appointed Fitzgerald to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel in charge of the investigation.[3][4] Fitzgerald was well-known to Comey and was in fact already godfather to one of Comey’s children.

On December 30, 2003, three months after the start of the Plame investigation, Fitzgerald was appointed Special Counsel (under Department of Justice regulation 28 CFR Part 600). Through this, Fitzgerald was delegated „all the authority of the Attorney General” in the matter. In February 2004, Acting Attorney General Comey clarified the delegated authority and stated that Fitzgerald has plenary authority. Comey also wrote „further, my conferral on you of the title of ‘Special Counsel’ in this matter should not be misunderstood to suggest that your position and authorities are defined and limited by 28 CFR Part 600.”[22]

On October 28, 2005, Fitzgerald brought an indictment for 5 counts of false statements, perjury, and obstruction of justice against Lewis „Scooter” Libby, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney‘s Chief of Staff. Libby resigned to prepare for his legal defense. In his first press conference after announcing Libby’s indictment, Fitzgerald was asked about comments by Republicans such as Kay Bailey Hutchison, who said „I certainly hope that if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality…” to which Fitzgerald responded, „That talking point won’t fly… The truth is the engine of our judicial system. If you compromise the truth, the whole process is lost… if we were to walk away from this, we might as well hand in our jobs.”[23]