Articole în care apare Corina Artopolescu

EADS – NIRO+Ponta+Microsoft, apartamente şi arabi

Pe 04.02.2008, off-shore-ul, care ar fi intermediat cea mai mare mita in afacerea Microsoft, se retrage total din Central Residential Park SA unde actionar majoritar ramane Niro Investment SA cu 99,9% din actiuni.

Central Residential Park SA este o firma controlata de omul de afaceri Dumitru Nicolae zis Niro fiind cunoscuta pentru construirea complexului rezidential cu acelasi nume din spatele Inspectoratului General al Politiei Romane (IGPR) si din apropierea Circului.

Conform declaratiilor de avere, familia Ponta detine in acest complex rezidential 3 apartamente.

Corina Artopolescu – Client Executive Manager Steria Group

corina-artopolescu-steria„In just seven months Steria developed and implemented a sophisticated, flexible and innovative system tailored to our specific needs.” Corina Artopolescu, Head of National Centre of SIS, Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior

Chief commissioner Corina Artopolescu, Head of NCSIS of Romanian MAI, wife of the Microsoft General Director Ovidiu Artopolescu, signed for most (all) of the money embezzled by Microsoft-EADS-Siemens in criminal association with corrupt politicians and other organized crime entities, paid public money to Steria in the same context and than found a good job working for Steria.

She is currently investigated by DNA for her participation in the fraud of hundreds of millions of the EU finances and for participation in other criminal endeavours