A less known fact is that George Maior is the one who initiated the negotiations with Microsoft European Operations Center, headquartered in Dublin, at the time he was charge d’affaires at the Romanian Embassy in Dublin (1997-1999), and that he continued the negotiations with Microsoft Europe while he occupied the position of Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence (2000-2004).
The Director of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) may be charged with complicity or concealment, based, on one hand, on his involvement in the negotiations with Microsoft Ireland and BAE System, and, on the other hand, on his close relations with Victor Ponta (Maior was Ponta’s godfather at the second wedding) and with Ioan Rus (who was Maior’s godfather at his first wedding). In this light one could also explain the absence of any reaction from SRI in the cases Microsoft, BAE Systems and EADS.
Even the ex-minister of interior Vasile Blaga is not stranger to the damaging execution of the Microsoft and EADS contracts, even if he requested, in 2005, the renegotiation of the EADS contract and he ordered a criminal complaint against questor Toma Zaharia, the first deputy of minister Ioan Rus, to be submitted. It is to be noticed that this complaint, finalized with a NUP (non-prosecution) solution, did not refer also to the minister Ioan Rus, who was and still is a friend of Vasile Blaga. However, at the same time, the main EADS partner – Fujitsu Siemens – signed a substantial contract with the Ministry of Education, where the wife of the minister of interior, Violett Blaga, was the chief of the Judicial and Control Directorate, and one of the main business partners of Vasile Blaga’s son in law, the company Nei Guard, became a subcontractor of EADS. On the other hand, the biggest payments for the EADS contract were done in the second term of Vasile Blaga as minister of interior (2009-2011).”
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