Vîntu: No, no, so you must know that initially, I give you my word, I wanted to administer you the maximal lesson …
Ghiţă: To bury me?! To bury me?!
Vîntu: …and give a lesson to all that dare …
Ghiţă: To bury me?!
Vîntu: You, kid! For me, something like that is not a forbidden territory. For me, it’s part of the working arsenal when I’m angry or when I have a big interest to protect. I don’t joke on this! I then thought that you came with an open heart… Be careful! Bullets passed close to your ears. I mean literally! When you talked about death, I told you not to talk about what you don’t know.
Vîntu: I gave you two lessons: you relied on force, I showed you I piss you with your force on the ass, that I piss on you by force. Let my talk to you, with punks, things like this… You come, though, from an honest, civilized, orderly world. Your folks were ok…
Ghiţă: Yes…
Vîntu: I come from a gipsy slum, from jail, from smuggling with these people … This is a world… I made desperate efforts not to show where I’m coming from and who I am. Your friend Magureanu can confirm to you that he Okeyed me to shoot racketeers that wanted to settle in Romania. And that I shot hundreds of them, not tens. Hundreds! And when I say shot, I mean literally. I speak clearly, I am not afraid that you’re wired. I don’t give a fuck! You, I don’t give a fuck! Now we’re talking alone. So talking about force and gipsies, my friend, I have led… Hey you, listen to me carefully, to find out: the entire bulibasa network in Romania worked for me. All of it ! Before this, it worked exclusively for me. They were risking 25 years! They were stealing factories, cranes, things…They were stealing industrial silver. You don’t know about me but legends made by fools… I have buried a cop like you at the corner of a building block …
Ghiţă: (laughs)… It’s the third time…
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