Raids are performed at 56 locations in Bucharest and villages in the Ilfov county that act as offices of companies, foundations or residences of physical persons, according to a DNA press release.
The DNA prosecutors finalized the list of defendants in the mega contracts regarding the informatization of Romania and border security, and the first defendants are expected at DNA starting Monday morning to hear the charges, the subpoenas being already issued this week.
In this case, the prosecutors have special support from the Romanian Intelligence Service and from the Gendarmerie Special Intervention Brigade.
Dorin Cocos, ex-husband of Elena Udrea, Dinu Pescariu, owner of Tenis Club and Nicolae Dumitru, owner of NIRO are the artisans of bribery and arrangements with the ministers and ex-ministers that DNA intended to investigate. Witnesses’ testimonies show that starting with the Adrian Nastase Government of 2001 and until Emil Boc, the people that could determine ministers to sign the damaging contracts with Microsoft and Fujitsu were the resourceful businessmen.
Witnesses also declared that money were mostly given in cash to Dorin Cocos, money being also withdrawn in cash from Switzerland, by Pescariu Dinu and personally handed back to Dorin Cocos.
The billion EUR contracts „Microsoft – EADS” bind politicians and businessmen that sustained them in the media.
Money cashed by intermediaries that sold Microsoft licenses to the Romanian Government passed through the hands of the same consultant in off-shores from New Zealand, investigated for facilitating the international traffic of weaponry.
All the computers in the state institutions should run today Microsoft licenses of 2013. Actually, most of the state computers run 2004 licenses, because while the Government paid to intermediaries more than one billion EUR on upgraded licenses, they were not concerned about buying computers to run those licenses. The Mega contract for the informatization of Romania starts and ends with the ex-minister of IT&C Dan Nica.
The schema is simple. The Romanian Governments did not sign the licensing contracts with Microsoft, but with two intermediaries that paid in advance the money to Microsoft Ireland. The first intermediary, Fujitsu Computer Systems, is also the most generous commission payer. These commissions were transferred first to two off-shores – Profinet Aktiengesellschaft (director Matt, administrator Tremco Trust, fiduciary company in Lichtenstein) and Collina (registered in Washington, with offices, shareholders and partners in the Dominican Republic and New Zealand – director Taylor is a financial consultant for GT Group, Offshore, Vanuatu – found in many international files regarding organized crime, including weaponry trafficking). Collina Investments is registered and led from the same mailbox where the company VicAm Ltd was listed, company that operated an airplane found in December 2009 on an airport in Thailand, loaded with 35 tons of explosives, antiaircraft missiles and computerized missile launchers. The weapons came from North Korea and had to go to Iran. In the third line of transfers can be found LavecoLtd, founded by the financial consultant Laszlo Kiss, convicted for money laundering in the files regarding the embezzlement of PetromService by the couple Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu – Liviu Luca.
Zeci de percheziţii la intermediarii contractelor Microsoft cu Guvernul României
Sunt efectuate percheziţii domiciliare în 56 de locaţii situate în municipiul Bucureşti şi comune din judeţul Ilfov, având destinaţia de sedii de societăţi comerciale, de fundaţii sau domicilii ale unor persoane fizice, potrivit unui comunicat DNA.
Procurorii DNA au definitivat lista de învinuiţi în megacontractele de informatizare a României şi securizare a frontierelor, iar de luni dimineaţă sunt aşteptaţi la DNA primii învinuiţi pentru a afla acuzaţiile, citaţiile fiind deja emise în cursul acestei săptămâni.
În cauză, procurorii beneficiază de
sprijin de specialitate din partea Serviciului Român de Informaţii şi din partea Brigăzii Speciale de Intervenţie a Jandarmeriei.
Dorin Cocoş, fostul soţ al Elenei Udrea, Dinu Pescariu, patronul Tenis Club şi Nicolae Dumitru, patronul NIRO sunt artizanii şpăgilor şi aranjamentelor la miniştrii şi foştii miniştri pe care DNA vroia să-i cerceteze. Declaraţiile mai multor martori arată că de la guvernul lui Adrian Năstase din 2001 şi până la Emil Boc, cei care aveau pârghiile la miniştrii care trebuiau să semneze contractele păguboase cu Microsoft şi Fujitsu erau oamenii de afaceri descurcăreţi.
Martorii au mai declarat că sumele remise lui Dorin Cocoş au fost în cea mai mare parte în numerar, banii fiind retraşi, tot în numerar din Elveţia, de Pescariu Dinu şi înmânaţi personal de acesta înapoi, lui Dorin Cocoş.
Contractele de un miliard de euro „Microsoft – EADS” îi leagă pe politicieni de afaceriştii care i-au susţinut mediatic
Banii încasaţi de intermediarii care au vândut licenţe Microsoft Guvernului României au trecut prin mâna aceluiaşi consultant în off-shoruri din Noua Zeelandă, anchetat pentru facilitarea traficului internaţional de armament.
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