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Va invit cu respect pentru Ovidiu Ohanesian si multi alti oameni care in dorinta de a spune TOT ADEVARUL sunt anihilati, umiliti, marginalizati, denigrati si pina la urma ucisi (virtual sau/si fizic) de „umanoizi” cum sunt:

Kovesi – Buttice – Dumitrescu – Perduca – Vartic – Kessler – Tariceanu – Hayssam – Barroso – Coldea – Munaf – Maior – Ghita – Vladescu … si multi altii

sa urmariti filmul OMORITI MESAGERUL ! … asta fac toti tiranii corupti ai acestei lumi in frunte cu OLAF – Comisia UE si „sclavii” de serviciu ai MICROSOFT …



“Sunt dovezi certe ale implicării serviciilor secrete în actul de justiţie, iar intervenţia autorităţilor abilitate întârzie, cum de fapt întârzie şi decizia politică pentru aşezarea lucrurilor în matcă lor firescă. De ce oare…???” Dumitru Iliescu Facebook.  


Nu vrea Kovesi sa se duca la balamuc sau la Targsor ??? …

… ca Ghita nu mai vine …

… si nici la Ziua Americii nu mai este invitata impreuna cu Coldea (Iacob) sa isi faca alinturi de bastani … 

Dar sa il ascultam pe Generalul Mitica Iliescu .. ca dinsu cunoaste … rau de tot … mai tot


„Au trecut 3 săptămâni de la audierea în comisia parlamentară. Nici SRI şi nici persoanele vizate în declaraţia mea nu au ieşit să mă contrazică. Nu am infirmat pentru că ştiau că vor urma dovezile. La început mulţi au avut reţineri faţă de ce am declarat. Acum însă vin confirmări din toate direcţiile. Chiar membrii comisiei de anchetă an pus sub semnul întrebării unele afirmaţii. Mai mult i-au invitat şi pe fostul ministru al apărării Mircea Dusa să confirme un aspect din depoziţia mea. Domnul Dusă a confirmat în totalitate cele prezentate de mine comisiei.


La fel an făcut şi alte persoane chemate la comisie ( DI. Nica, DI. Guşă şi alţii..). Nu înţeleg însă de ce nu s-a sesizat încă Parchetul General. Sunt deja foarte multe persoane care confirmă aceste aspecte, deosebit de grave, aflate sub incidenţa legii penale.

Sunt dovezi certe ale implicării serviciilor secrete în actul de justiţie, iar intervenţia autorităţilor abilitate întârzie, cum de fapt întârzie şi decizia politică pentru aşezarea lucrurilor în matcă lor firescă. De ce oare…???”, a scris Dumitru Iliescu pe Facebook.


Metoda fraudării

Implicarea serviciilor secrete s-a produs „prin crearea unui portofoliu de persoane pe care le promovezi în funcțiile de conducere la nivelul formațiunilor politice, impunerea unor lideri la nivel central ți local și de asemenea controlul asupra unor autorități publice. Adică această chestiune s-a derulat nu numai de formaţiunile politice, ci şi de autorităţile publice constituţionale, inclusiv Parlament, Guvern, membrii Guvernului, unii dintre ei propuşi sau numiţi la propunerea SRI. Pentru cei care nu trebuiau să ajungă în Guvern se găseau imediat mape profesionale, se făceau mape profesionale pe baza informațiilor acumulate la compartimentele de analiză și sinteză sau în arhivă, cum este arhiva SRI, arhiva lui 962, DGIPI, arhiva de la SIPA și așa mai departe”, a afirma Iliescu.

Fostul șef al SPP susține că una dintre metodele de fraudare folosite de serviciile secrete a fost utilizarea judecătorilor din Birourile Electorale: „Judecătorii pe care îi aveau ei la mână erau trimiși în BEJuri și acționau la comanda serviciilor. Serviciile aveau un portofoliu de magistrați și din acel lot au fost desemnați membri ai BEC și ai Birourilor Județene. ”

CSM a sesizat Inspecția Judiciară! Ziua DECISIVĂ pentru soarta DNA. Kovesi, la JUDECATA CSM.

CULISELE vizitei lui Klemm la Palatul Victoria. Ambasadorul SUA trebuia să-i dea lui Mihai Tudose o hârtie

Citește toate EPISOADELE din serial NOI SUNTEM STATUL!  despre fraudarea alegerilor din 2009 AICI


DNA “Nu e nici instituție de prostituție, nici instituție de spectacol, nici instituție de vânzare de carne vie.” Traian Basescu 



Traian Basescu v. DNA

„Este o atmosferă îngrozitoare în DNA. (…)

Ne arată și mizeria din interiorul acestei instituții. Pentru mine, cel mai șocant lucru e disprețul pe care îl au procurorii față de cei pe care îi anchetează. Uitați-vă la dialogul lui Negulescu, ale șefei DNA cu procurorii, la dialogul unui Popovici. Nu se poate vorbi așa într-o instituție de stat. Nu e nici instituție de prostituție, nici instituție de spectacol, nici instituție de vânzare de carne vie. Nu am auzit și am trecut prin multe instituții ale statului român, nu am auzit niciodată asemenea dialoguri. (…) Modul acesta de a discuta despre oameni din afara instituției sau chiar oameni din instituție despre ei arată un nivel intelectual lamentabil al acestor oameni. (…) Acum constatăm un lucru de neacceptat – sunt români, dar de proastă calitate multi din ei, ceea ce e îngrozitor”

„Știți ce mi se pare mie relevant? Codruța Kovesi a intrat, când am numit-o eu, într-o criză. (…) Au fost procurori importanți în DNA care au fost împotriva numirii ei. Știu feedbackul din acea vreme.

Spuneau că nu știe carte. Asta era părerea procurorilor de elită din DNA. Spuneau că nu știe carte, că e brutală.

A gestionat această criză de început venind cu un grup de procurori loiali ei în conducere.

A gestionat-o în forță cu Iacob, cu toată echipa care face dosarele la ordin, iar acest lucru nu putea să rămână la nesfârșit fără efecte.

Breșa s-a creat cu DNA Ploiești, care a pus reflectorul pe lucruri în neregulă din interiorul DNA și atunci au prins curaj și cei de la București. Oameni care s-au săturat să execute. (…) Cred că cel mai grav lucru care a stârnit revolta procurorilor a fost faptul că a primit o prelungire de mandat, toți se așteptau să nu o primească, în condițiile în care toți am înțeles că acțiunile șefei DNA erau pentru construirea propriului postament”

DNA trebuie salvată acum de Codruța Kovesi deoarece fiecare zi a acesteia la conducerea DNA „stirbește autoritatea și credibilitatea” instituției.

Greșeala pe care eu am făcut-o de pune oameni cu zero experiență în aceste funcții, nu mai trebuie repetată.

DNA a făcut abuzuri uriașe, iar România va plăti enorm în momentul în care persoanele care nu au avut parte de un proces corect se vor adresa CEDO.



(Dosarele Microsoft pe intelesul tuturor: de la Ilie Botos – Irinel Paun – Claudiu Dumitrescu – Cristian David – Daniel Morar – Doru Tulus – Catalin Vartic – Laura Codruta Kovesi – Monica Pop – Mihaela Moraru Iorga …) 


SINCERA DOAMNA LAURA CODRUTA KOVESI (prietena de notorietate cu celebrul Sebastian Ghita, asociat cu Sebastian Vladescu, Florian Coldea, George Maior) 

“In cadrul dosarului au fost activitati de cooperare cu diverse agentii de pe teritoriul SUA si, in special, cu compania Microsoft, care nu are niciun fel de implicatii de natura penala in dosar, dimpotriva a furnizat foarte multe informatii utile anchetei.” 

CORECTUL DOMN DORU TULUS (prieten de notorietate cu celebrul domn Daniel Morar …) 

„Nu am făcut eu înregistrările şi nu aş face nicodată aşa ceva pentru că nu mi se pare un lucru corect”. Doru Tulus 

“Ţuluş şi Moraru au comis fapte foarte grave”. Procuror (anonim) DNA 

“Rămâne de văzut dacă într-adevăr este aşa şi ce se va întâmpla în continuare.” Alex Costache Romania Curata 30 Iunie 2017 


Mihaela Iorga Moraru a instrumentat dosarul Microsoft (Decembrie 2010 –  Martie 2016)…  procuroarea Moraru nu i-a pus sub acuzare pe celebrii denunţători Claudiu Florică şi Dinu Pescariu. Abia după ce cazul a fost luat de la procuroarea Moraru, ancheta în dosarele Microsoft II şi III a prins viteză, iar Florică şi Pescariu au fost puşi sub acuzare. Vezi aici şi aici. 


„Stăm cu dosarele sub fund şi nu facem nimic”… in loc sa “facem bine tarii”,  cum am stabilit in podgorie la Ghita, si sa le dam lui Microsoft niste NUPuri frumoase si elegante si foarte utile Binomului si „cimpului tactic”… 

MICROSOFT DOSARE FARA NUMAR “Incredibilul dosar Microsoft care este… trei” Ovidiu Ohanesian Cotidianul – 4 Octombrie 2016 

“În urma unei întrebări adresate în ședința Senatului de parlamentarul sătmărean Valer Marian ministrului Justiției Raluca Prună, în data de 07.06.2016, aflăm că mai sunt pe rol încă trei dosare Microsoft, „referitoare la practile de mituire”: 448/P/2010, 234/P/2015 și 237/P/2015, la Secția de combatere a infracțiunilor conexe infracțiunilor de corupție din cadrul DNA.” 


“Chiar să zică Curtea Constituţională că am derapat instituţional pentru ea, o să iau cele patru dosare existente în DNA cu acelaşi obiect, făcute exact în acelaşi lucru, şi le duc în braţele lui Morar şi îi zic: ia-le, domnule Morar, spală-te cu ele pe cap.”  

„Stăm cu dosarele sub fund şi nu facem nimic”… DUPA CUM V-AM ORDONAT ! 


Ca jurnalist care mă ocup de DNA încă de la înfiinţare, îi cunosc atât pe Doru Ţuluş, cât şi pe Laura Codruţa Kovesi. Nu ştiu care dintre ei are dreptate în acest conflict. Tot ce ştiu am pus cap la cap în acest articol. 

Am căutat însă să aflu părerea unor oameni vechi din DNA, de pe vremea lui Daniel Morar, acum în echipa lui Kovesi. Iată ce spune unul dintre ei, sub protecţia anonimatului: 
“Ţuluş şi Moraru au comis fapte foarte grave”. 
Rămâne de văzut dacă într-adevăr este aşa şi ce se va întâmpla în continuare. 



2000 – Chiar inainte ca PSD sa cistige alegerile (Iulie) in anul 2000, sarabanda mitei de la un milion de euro in sus a fost demarata in tromba de Microsoft pentru achizitionarea unor active publice subevaluate (Bancorex – Calea Victoriei).

In zece ani cuantumul mitelor Microsoft – Fujitsu Siemens – EADS urma sa depaseasca un miliard de euro.

Sebastian Ghita declara ca a “intrat” pe piata IT inca din anul 2000, in acelasi timp cu Sebastian Vladescu.

2001 – Microsoft ii invita pe Dan Nica si George Maior la Seattle unde impreuna cu Bill Gates si Steve Ballmer stabilesc viitorul deceniu de mita si coruptie Ecosistemul Microsoft. Sorin Ovidiu Vintu via SRI stabileste “jucatorii” din piata IT (Medist – RSC – Asesoft – Teamnet, etc.).

2002 – Alexandru Bittner iese si el la colectat pentru Adrian Nastase, astfel incit nici un contract pentru aplicatii software cu statul, “standardizat” pe platforme si mita Microsoft, nu mai poate fi incheiat fara aprobarea lui Bittner si Vintu – SIVECO este sustinut “din umbra” de Virgil Magureanu.

2003 – Dan Nica semneaza cu Steve Ballmer contractul pentru mita din educatie, care il supara foarte tare pe Claudiu Florica de la Fujitsu – Siemens, care ii cere ajutor lui Nastase si Blaga, care ii ia banii dar tot cu Siveco ramine.

2004 – Florica cere ajutor la “centru” si Microsoft intervine cu celebrul contract 0115-RO. EADS vine si el alaturi de Microsoft – Fujitsu Siemens.

Omnis identifica mai multe infractiuni de faruda fonduri Phare, piraterie, crima cibernetica, coruptie si crima organizata comise de Sebastian Vladescu in complicitate cu Microsoft – Comisia UE – SRI – MAI si altii.

2005 – Sebastian Vladescu (Medist- RSC) cere ajutorul lui Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Ilie Botos si Daniel Morar, pentru a incrimina Omnis pentru faptul ca denunta, in conformitate cu legea, infractiuni deosebit de grave care urmau sa produca prejudicii de miliarde de euro si suspendarea in 2014 a fondurilor UE pentru industria IT.

Irinel Paun – Claudiu Dumitrescu “investigheaza” la “ordin” pentru incriminarea Omnis si exonerarea celor mentionati.

2006 – DNA (Daniel Morar – Irinel Paun – Claudiu Dumitrescu) si Comisia UE (OLAF) inchid dosarele si gasesc Omnis si pe noi vinovati de denunt calomnios. Suntem dati in judecata de infractorii dovediti, dar protejati de cei mentionati.






CONCLUZIE PARTIALA – In numele securitatii si interesului national Traian Basescu a acoperit in cunostinta de cauza fraudele si coruptia initiata de Adrian Nastase si continuata de Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Am fost primiti in Uniune.

DNA – SRI au continuat fraudele interpretind propriul interes si interesul Microsoft – Comisia UE de a jefui si tilhari in interesul corporatiei si al gruparilor corupte din UE, drept interes national al Romaniei. Astfel a aparut “Statul suntem Noi”.

2007 – DNA – Doru Tulus, proaspat adus de Daniel Morar de la Cluj, mai investigheaza si el inca o data aceleasi infractiuni evidente si exhaustiv probate si ajunge la aceleasi concluzii la care a ajuns si Irinel Paun – Claudiu Dumitrescu privind inocenta Microsoft – Comisia UE – Sebastian Vladescu, etc si vinovatia Omnis is a nostra personal.

Sebastian Ghita vine la Bucuresti si incepe impreuna cu Sebastian Vladescu santajul si exterminarea firmelor IT care nu se supun noilor “stapini”, sau dupa cum se plinge Irina Socol creaza “sistemul”, caruia pina la urma nici macar ea nu a reusit sa-i reziste.

Omnis continua sa probeze infractiunile in curs si sa denunte in atentia autoritatilor locale si Europene disfunctionalitatile institutionale deosebit de grave.

2007 – DNA – Mihaela Moraru Iorga deschide al treilea dosar referitor la fraudele anchetate de Irinel Paun si Doru Tulus si la altele dovedite in timpul scurs din 2004, cind fraudele au fost identificate.

2008 – Laura Codruta Kovesi se remarca in fruntea PICCJ, si incepe monitorizarea “la singe” (impreuna cu Florian Coldea – George Maior si Sebastian Ghita) a diferitelor anchete si procese referitoare la infractiunile comise de Microsoft si partenerii acestora.

2009 – “Statul suntem Noi” cistiga alegerile si Sebastian Ghita incepe sa se vada regulat cu Laura Codruta Kovesi, Marcel Iacob si altii.

Omnis reclama la Comisia UE abuzurile facute de catre aceasta si Microsoft, astfel protejat de catre autoritatile din Romania.

2010 – OLAF deschide un nou dosar pentru a investiga fraudele raportate de Omnis inca din anul 2005.

George Maior este informat de catre Nelu Neacsu de agresivitatea si precizia retelelor de coruptie si frauda constituite de Sebastian Ghita si Sebastian Vladescu la Bruxelles.

George Maior isi freaca mainile si pleaca in vacanta cu Sebastian Ghita si Florian Coldea, pentru a stringe si mai mult prieteniile … ca banii sunt deja strinsi si/sau rumeaza sa fie … fara numar …

La intoarcere Sebastian Ghita este prezentat Procurorului General Laura Codruta Kovesi, cu care v-a dezvolta o prietenie trainica si intima pina la primirea a doua cucuvelemov, dar numai dupa ce Sorin Ovidiu Vintu este bagat la puscarie si doctoratul cucuveleimov este “protejat”. Protectie contra protectie – crima si omerta garantia succesului.

Vintu e bagat la puscarie … Ghita (Vladescu) obtine suprematia …

Mihaela Moraru Iorga ancheteaza in conditiile in care SRI decide cind si cum si Kovesi vegheaza sa nu iasa nimeni din front … ca doar Ghita are nevoie de liniste si pace pentru a fura tot ce poate fi furat … pentru el si pentru prietenii sai … ca podgoriile astea costa o caruta de bani.

DNA – Mihaela Moraru Iorga primeste o plingere penala din partea Siemens, referitor la mita, coruptie si spalare de bani … sute de milioane de euro, comise de Microsoft si asociatii acestora.

2011 – Omnis da in judecata Comisia UE. Microsoft vine parte in dosar. Comisia UE + Microsoft cistiga procesul in 2013, dupa ajutorul inevaluabil primit din partea lui Kovesi in 2011 – 2012.

DNA Mihaela Moraru deschide un nou dosar 85/P/2011, dar nu poate face nimic din cauza faptului ca de infractiuni se ocupa “cimpul tactic” si Laura Codruta Kovesi. Strategiile sunt definite in podgorie la Ghita si prina alte locuri mai mult sau mai putin exotice.

PICCJ – Laura Codruta Kovesi ia dosare destinate DNA si investigate la Sibiu si le “rezolva” cu NUP pentru Microsoft si asociatii acestora (Monica Pop), de dragul lui Sebastian Ghita si al doctoratului plagiat, precum si pentru asigurarile doctorului Victor Ponta pentru o promovare in viitor ori la DNA ori Ministru de Justitie.

2012 – OLAF incepe investigatiile in dosarul Omnis, referitor la fraudele raportate inca din anul 2005 in atentia DNA si OLAF.

DNA Mihaela Moraru Iorga incepe urmarirea penala in Dosarul Microsoft, in urma solicitarilor Siemens.

Kovesi pleaca de la PICCJ – Microsoft – Sebastian (Vladescu – Ghita) ramin fara protectorul de baza. Daniel Morar incepe sa infirme deciziile din dosarele “facute” de Kovesi.

OLAF vine in vizita la DLAF (Claudiu Dumitrescu) si la DNA, si da curs cererii facute de Mihaela Moraru referitor la implicarea Microsoft in fraudele comise de Sebastian Vladescu – Ghita si companiile si clientii (SRI – MAI) acestora.

2013 – Kovesi este “negociata” contra Daniel Morar si adusa in graba de la Bruxelles la DNA „la pachet” cu Claudiu Dumitrescu (nou sef al Mihaela Moraru Iorga), Marcel Iacob (prieten cu Sebastian Ghita) si Doru Tulus (prieten cu Daniel Morar).

FBI anunta ca a inceput si ulterior extins investigatiile courptiei mondiale Microsoft inclusiv in Romania.

George Maior si Florian Coldea se duc la Washington sa participe la inaugurarea lui James Comey, care urmeaza sa coduca anchetele FBI, pina este concediat de Donald Trump in 2017.

2014 – Apar documentele GUCCIFER, si apare si Marcel Lehel cititorul in passworduri – parole, care este dus la puscarie, este imprumutat FBI si readus in temnita, de unde mai da cite un inteviu referitor la Maior si mesajele acestuia stocate pe un serve din Rusia.

Prietenia dintre Ghita si Kovesi incepe sa sufere pina se rupe cu tot cu mesele de la K-2, K-4, T-“n”. Ghita incepe sa cocheteze cu sirbii in loc de CIA, SRI, DNA.

Explodeaza Dosarul Microsoft … in fals … se fisaie … si moare cind se ajunge la Microsoft si la rolul crucial jucat de catre acestia in economia generala a infractiunilor.

Microsoft trebuie exonerat cu orice pret … pe care Mihaela Moraru Iorga nu vrea sa il plateasca …

Comenzile lui Kovesi nu mai sunt respectate …

2015 – Elena Udrea vine la DNA si pleaca cu catuse (nepuse de Mihaela Moraru Iorga) dupa ce depune plingeri impotriva lui Florian Coldea si George Maior beneficiari ai mitelor Microsoft distribuite de Dorin Cocos.

Dorin Cocos este scos din puscarie sa recunoasca dar spune ca Udrea minte si astfel Coldea este exonerat in timp util sa il primeasca in vizita pe James Comey care vine la inaufurarea
noului sef SRI, in timp ce George Maior se pregateste sa plece in SUA sa se ocupe de alegeri … in asociere cu Microsoft.

2016 – Kovesi ia dosarele Microsoft de la Mihaela Moraru Iorga si le da spre “fasonare” si “finalizare” astfel incit Microsoft este companie eroina si de vina e doar Ghita care a suparat-o rau pe Kovesi cu cucuvelelemov … a uitat saraca cind le ordona procurorilor sa nu cumva sa respecte legea daca legea nu se potriveste cu dorintele si faptele Microsoft – Comisia UE – Vladescu – Ghita – Maior – Coldea …

2017 – Kovesi rezista pe “pozitie” si dispera ca, dupa “caderea” lui Coldea si plecarea lui Ghita, ordinele sale nu mai sunt ascultate de catre cei care erau “obisnuiti” doar sa semneze ce le dadea SRI – Kovesi …

Aflam de la Kovesi, via inregistrari de sedinta, cum se face “justitia mare”.

Kovesi innebuneste si incepe sa incrimineze procurorii care au ascultat orbeste de ordinele venite de la SRI – Ghita via Kovesi “cimpul tactic”, si care acum nu mai vor sa dea curs comenzilor date de o infractoare dovedita.

Vom continua cu detalii referitor la aceasta “epopee” in curs de desfasurare.



Kovesi are reputatia ca intra in copac cu Coldea beat la volan, ca bea in podgorie si asculta manele „Justitia Mare” la petreceri „deocheate” cu infractorul deosebit de periculos Sebastian Ghita (partenerul lui Sebastian Vladescu), prieten cu Marius Iacob in perioada 2010 pina in 2016, cind Ghita fuge cu banii furati impreuna cu Vladescu si Microsoft, de la mai toate institutiile statului in frunte cu SRI, astfel protejati de Kovesi si Iacob cu determinare criminala in „cimpul tactic”.

„FUCK THE ECHR (CEDO) !” Laura Codruta Kovesi (cucuveauamov)


Moraru nu este prietena cu Marius Iacob si cu Sebastian Ghita – Sebastian Vladescu – Florian Coldea – George Maior … si face dosare … multe dosare …

Kovesi nu face dosare si Iacob nu mai face dosare dar in schimb distrug probe, falsifica dosare si constituie inscenari judiciare pentru a ii proteja pe Microsoft si partenerii acestora Sebastian Ghita – Sebastian Vladescu si pentru a ii incrimina pe cei care denunta tilhariile comise de catre acestia.

Moraru (subalterna) si altii nu ii pot opri pe Kovesi si Iacob din dementa infractionala si asasina care ii anima |(intereseaza)

Kovesi are reputatia ca refuza sa colaboreze cu institutiile europene si cele americane in vederea protejarii “prietenilor” sai de jaf si tilharie : Sebastian Ghita – Florian Coldea – George Maior – Sebastian Vladescu – Microsoft.


Moraru a cerut ajutorul OLAF in cazul Microsoft v. Omnis si l-a primit, acesta fiind edificator … dar nu si pentru Kovesi-Iacob (vom reveni)

Kovesi are reputatia ca este in stare de orice nemernicie pentru a isi realiza obiectivele criminale, in dispret total fata de orice lege fie ea morala sau formala.

Moraru are reputatia de a fi corecta si de a respecta atit legea cit si dispozitiile primite de la sefii sai sau/si de la SRI, in conformitate cu “Legea” si “cimpul tactic”.



Kovesi are reputatia de a ii obliga pe procurori sa participe la inscenarile judiciare pe care le patroneaza la comanda prietenilor sai din SRI + Microsoft, si in cont personal (vezi fratiorul Sergiu Lascu – Romgaz).

Moraru are reputatia de a incerca sa atenueze pe cit este posibil entuziasmul asasin al gastii lui Kovesi – Iacob – Ghita – Coldea – Maior… dar este cam singura si este aproape imposibil …

Kovesi are reputatia de a bloca anchete si de a dispune falsificarea de dosare si fabricarea de “cazuri” in vederea executarii la propriu a celor pe care ii considera “incomozi”, si in primul rind a victimelor lui Sebastian Ghita-Vladescu + Microsoft.

Moraru are reputatia ca munceste la cele mai multe dosare printre care si la Microsoft (Fujitsu Siemens – EADS), in conditiile in care Kovesi si Iacob ii saboteaza toate eforturile.



Kovesi – Iacob nu trebuie dati afara din magistratura, trebuie trimisi la inchisoare pentru nelegiurile pe care le comit in beneficiul Microsoft si al multor altora, dupa cum dovedim cu probe legale in Dosarul 85/P/2011 … si multe altele

Vom reveni … pe larg … mult mai larg … cu probe si plingerile noastre la CSM si alte institutii


„Normally, it is considered to be rather bad form to mislead a court of law.”
with reference to Otto Brunner, Alberto Perduca, Alessandro Buttice

“Criticism of the EU is akin to blasphemy and could be restricted without affecting Freedom of Speech”
Spanish Advocate General of  the EU  Court of Justice




CLAUDIU DUMITRESCU (subalternul lui Irinel Păun – Omul lui Vîntu-Cosma-Luca-Soare-Paltânea) un apropiat al lu Alberto Perduca – Alessandro Buttice – Giovani Kessler și coleg de ticăloșenii și acte dovedite de Poliție Politică (UE) cu Doru Țuluș – Cătălin Vartic …

… executate la comanda lui George Maior – Florian Coldea – Sebastian (Vlădescu – Ghiță) – Călin Popescu Tăriceanu  …

… este “recuperat” pe post de expert UE de OLAF !?… 

OLAF Case OF/2005/0417 – Case OF/2010/0068 … 

“Şase procurori cer CSM încetarea activităţii la DNA pentru a putea lucra la un alt Parchet, în contextul apariției, la jumătatea lunii trecute, a mai multor înregistrări în care Codruța Kovesi le cere procurorilor cum să lucreze și ce persoane ar trebui să vizeze anchetele. 

Solicitările celor şase procurori urmează să fie luate în discuţie marţi, când va avea loc şedinţa Secţiei pentru procurori, din cadrul CSM, scrie Gandul. 

Printre aceştia se numără şi şeful Serviciului pentru combaterea infracţiunilor de corupţie împotriva intereselor financiare ale UE, Claudiu Dumitrescu. 

Potrivit ordinii de zi a secţiei, magistratul Claudiu Constantin Dumitrescu, şef al Serviciului pentru combaterea infracţiunilor de corupţie împotriva intereselor financiare ale Uniunii Europene din cadrul Direcţiei Naţionale Anticorupţie, a cerut acordul Secţiei pentru procurori a Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii în vederea eventualei detaşări în postul de expert naţional detaşat în cadrul Oficiului European de Luptă Antifraudă.”


“Criticism of the EU is akin to blasphemy and could be restricted without affecting Freedom of Speech” – Spanish Advocate General of  the EU  Court of Justice

Alberto Perduca, a delinquent senior official OLAF is currently Head of the EULEX Justice Component Kosovo


COCOLAF an example of international organized crime

According to the European Voice, a spokesman for OLAF, Alessandro Buttice, “told the head of the international journalists association API in an email on 28 March that a director at OLAF had requested access to the files of Hans-Martin Tillack”. This had been strenuously denied by Franz-Hermann Brüner, OLAF’s director-general, and Siim Kallas, the European commissioner for the fight against fraud to journalists, the Toy Parliament in Strasbourg (or was it Brussels?) and the Court of First Instances.
Herr Brüner has now realized that some of his statements were or, to be precise, “one element” in his statements was not factually correct. That was, as it happens, the most important element to do with OLAF’s involvement with the Belgian police’s “investigations”.

How did they find this lack of factual correctness? Well, it seems that a new broom appeared.

The error was detected when Thierry Cretin, who was appointed director at OLAF for investigation and operations, reviewed the case. The request was made by Cretin’s predecessor Alberto Perduca, who is now working at the EU mission in Kosovo.

Well, it’s good to know that old officials of OLAF, however improperly they may have behaved do not die or even fade away. They just go to another EU appointment. But then you knew that, I expect.

Interestingly, Herr Brüner apologizes for misleading the International Federation of Journalists and the International Press Association but makes no mention of the fact that he and Commissar Kallas also misled the Toy Parliament and the Court of First Instances.

Normally, it is considered to be rather bad form to mislead a court of law.





“În același timp,  fostul şef al Secţiei a II-a DNA, procurorul Doru Țuluș, ar fi fost invitat la Ambasada SUA de Ziua Americii, mai scrie “

Stimate Domnule Ambasador Hans Klemm,

În cazul în care nu sunteți din nou victima manipulărilor NKVD-GRU-FSB – Securitate-SRI-DNA – Evangelism (Microsoft) – Comisia UE (OLAF) și propagandei “neagră” astfel definite:

Engage (Provoke) – Denigrate (Kopromat) Liquidate (Assassinate)
Provoacă – Denigrază – Asasinează
Embrace – Extend – Exterminate
FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt)



și mulți alții (alți) astfel protejați de DORU ȚULUȘ și mereu invitați la Ziua Americii …


… și mulți alții care sunt invitați la ziua Americii și astfel legitimizați.pentru crimele pe care contiinuă să le perpetueze.

Vă solicităm respectuos să vă informați referitor la actele de încălcare flagrantă a Drepturilor Fundamentale ale Omului astfel Universal Acceptate si Validate de toate statele Euro-Atlantice, de către Procurorul DNA Mafiot Doru Țuluș (Case DNA 66/P/2007).

Procurorul DNA Mafiot Doru Țuluș a comis mai multe ilegalități deosebit de grave pentru a proteja și promova interesele criminale ale Microsoft – EU Commission si asociații acestora Medist-RSC-Asesoft-Teamnet și mulți alții.

Cu deosebită stimă,

Dragoș Rișcanu






Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act 

Raportul Senatului SUA – Comisia Helsinki din 14 Iunie 2017 ( si Legea SUA din 16 Decembrie 2012 (rectificata 2016) “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act”, privind abuzuri grave comise de “autoritatile” corupte si criminale din state care au legaturi cu SUA, referitoare la incalcarea drepturile omului, 

Solicitarea formala pentru aplicarea de sanctiuni ,facuta de Raportorul Martor David Clark, de catre Presedintele SUA celor care au participat la inscenarile judiciare prin invocarea cazurilor: 

Dan Adamescu, refuzul de asistenta medicala vitala de care acesta avea nevoie, in coditiile in care conditiile de detentie in cazul in care acesta era infirm erau similare cu tortura, si din cauza carora acesta a decedat – respectiv asasinarea unui opozant politic pentru a ii fura afacerile si pentru a il reduce la tacere. 

Elena Udrea, bagata la puscarie (trei mandate) de Kovesi dupa ce a facut public faptul ca Maior si Coldea luau din mita Microsoft colectata si administrata in folosul acestora de Dorin Cocos, 


Puteti sa va duceti in podgorie sa continuati sa „faceti bine” patriei … sau la Belgrad sa depanati amintiri de ucigasi cu Ghita … luati-l si pe Vladescu si Ponta …

Se vor mai adauga si alte cazuri in prezent publice cum ar fi Omnis v. Microsoft – Medist (SRI) – RSC (MAI) – Asesoft – Teamnet’ in care “modus operandi” este acelasi incepind din anul 2000 pina in prezent, precum si cazuri care inca nu pot fi facute publice (chiar mult mai interesante).


Raportorul David Clark mentioneaza un raport al serviciilor de informatii Engleze (Foreign Office) , intocmit la solicitarea Curtii din Londra (solicitata sa il extradeze pe Alexaner Adamescu), care confirma faptul ca Dan Adamescu a fost victima unei inscenari judiciare si unui asasinat “operate” de cei numiti in complicitate cu Sebastian Ghita si Victor Ponta.


Vom reveni cu o analiza mai ampla avind in vedere ca raportul mentionat contine multe alte informatii deosebit de interesante, dar pina atunci puteti citi raportul la urmatoarea adresa (puteti accesa si rapoartele prezentate de cei patru raportori experti).

Nu uitati ce ii spunea Trump lui Iohannis pe 9 Iunie a.c. „Stim tot ce se intimpla in Romania (referitor la coruptie si folosirea pretextului pentru asasinate si jaf) in contextul in care raportul Helsinki a fost redactat pe 14 Iunie a.c., deci putem aprecia ca Trump cunostea continutul si concluziile : O BANDA DE ASASINI (DE ELITA)


Vom analiza legaturile dintre crimele impotriva umanitatii si legatura acestora cu gruparea de asasini MAIOR – OPREA – GHITA – PONTA – COLDEA – KOVESI si aociatii acestora MICROSOFT – COMISIA UE … si (foarte) multi altii




Copy :



19 June 2017 –  The Judiciary Inspection to open investigation regarding possible disciplinary infringement of the DNA Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi (Microsoft „Queen”) following the „incriminatory” recordings published yesterday.

18 June 2017“we rest our asses on the criminal investigations (files) and nobody is asking us about them … This is not possible!” (stăm cu curu pe dosare, nu ne întreabă nimeni de ele… Nu se poate!) DNA Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi 

4 October 2016“Absent unusual circumstances, the Department of Justice does not confirm the existence of investigations and does not comment on ongoing investigations or cases.” FCPA Coordinator Criminal Division, Fraud Section U.S. Department of Justice 

20 November 2014 – DNA Laura Codruta Kovesi: “The DNA criminal investigations (Mihaela Moraru) has been co-operating with various agencies in the US and, in particular, with Microsoft, which has no criminal implications in the file, but has provided much useful information to the investigation. 

We also had cooperation activities with authorities in Europe (OLAF CASE OF/2005/0417 – CASE OF/2010/0068).

Somehow we can say that it is an international investigation, but the main activities of the ex officio referral and the administration of the evidence were done by the DNA in cooperation with the SRI.

The FBI did not make an official referral, it did not transmit official information in this investigation. It’s possible that in a parallel investigation conducted by this American agency it was tangential information useful to the cause, but not from the FBI the investigaitons were innitiated.” 

19 September 2006 – EU Commission – OLAF Spokesman (Head of Unit A3-External Aid) Alessandro Buttice: “Thus, OLAF would like journalists dealing with fraud and relating about fraud cases to know better about what European funding mechanisms are, so that they later could become specialists in investigating irregularities.

The risk arises when the press distributes a message like, „Everyone is corrupt, everyone is doing scams,” and after (OLAF) solving some cases (OF/2005/0417), the message would logically turn into „None is corrupt, no one is cheating.”

Mr. Buttice sends a TERRORIST WARNING to journalists who might dare investigate and inform the EU tax payers of the EU Commission – Microsoft’ FRAUDS and TERRORIST activities!


MINISTER OF JUSTICE – Terrorized by Kovesi

18 June 2017 – „Tomorrow morning I will refer to the judicial inspection of the allegations in the public area concerning Mrs L.C. Kovesi to reach Premier S. Grindeanu! „, Justice Minister Tudorel Toader

Under Law 303/2004 on the status of judges and prosecutors Article 99. Discipline misconduct:  B) interventions for the settlement of claims, claiming or accepting the resolution of personal interests or of family members or other persons, other than within the legal framework regulated for all citizens, as well as the interference in the activity of another judge or prosecutor ”

18 June 2017 – President Basescu terrorized by Kovesi :

„I saw Ms. Kovesi’s statements that there are 6-7 year olds criminal investigations (MICROSOFT – 17 years) and Kovesi wonders why we do not get them. I’m overwhelmed!

I have seen the precious indication too! She gave it over to the CCR, and she said that there should be criminal investigations for political people to build her statue.

 This woman sacrifices lives and destinies for her own glory.

 Good people, this woman must be arrested on the spot! She has to be sent to the cellars where she sent so many people, and the prosecutors who were forced to fabricate files.

I can say I fool myself when I promoted her, the drama is that Mr. Iohannis was fooled himself also. This woman is an error of justice, she seeks only “important political scalps” because those bring her the celebrity. I was terrified by these recordings! „ Traian Basescu said at Romania TV.


18 June 2017  – Ex EU Funds Minister Elena Udrea terrorized by Kovesi:

„Three weeks ago, “extremely fast”, Prosecutor Bulancea from DNA, the same as in Gala Bute, sent a new file to the court, in which I was accused, with Ioana Basescu.

The facts are about paying billboards in the 2009 presidential campaign. I am not commenting on the incredible situation that the file has reached the same judges in Gala Bute !!! I was surprised then by the DNA’s decision to send the case to court, considering the facts, which if prosecutors describe them, they are in the Law on the financing of political parties and they are considered contraventions, not crimes! I do not add that no one, no politician besides me, has been accused in 30 years of financing the electoral campaigns! The hallucinatory recordings of Rtv in the DNA session, where we hear Kovesi’s pressures on prosecutors to make as many files as possible for political characters to be public, are the explanation for this new abusive file he has done to me.

And Kovesi even gives me as the example …

I ask again today !!! What else has to happen to halt these masked abuses of the „fight against corruption”?

Or do we accept them because „Udrea’s bags and shoes” are even more annoying than the Securitate and Kovesi abuses? „


20 November 2014 – Microsoft Criminal Investigations – Kovesi terrorized by Microsoft

Kovesi stressed that the institution she runs has several large criminal investigations  dealing with people with important positions in the state: „We have large, complex files dealing with people with important functions. Our activity will not stop, maybe only during the holidays, but even then it is not sure. We will continue at the same pace with the same efficiency if no legislative or other changes will occur.When we are left to do our job we will do it just as well and efficient.

Microsoft’s criminal investigation is a Romanian one made by the DNA. Several denunciations were received in this case, there were also ex officio petitions on which the file was opened, there was a very close cooperation with the SRI. It was not an investigation coordinated by authorities or a foreign agency.

 The prosecutor in charge (Mihaela Moraru) has been co-operating with various agencies in the US and, in particular, with Microsoft, which has no criminal implications in the file, but has provided much useful information to the investigation.

We also had cooperation activities with authorities in Europe. Somehow we can say that it is an international investigation, but the main activities of the ex officio referral and the administration of the evidence were done by the DNA in cooperation with the SRI.

The FBI did not make an official referral, it did not transmit official information in this investigation. It’s possible that in a parallel investigation conducted by this American agency it was tangential information useful to the cause, but not from the FBI initiated the investigation.


Collaboration with US agencies began a few years ago and was well underway this year. Most information was obtained this year. It has been working constantly since 2013 so far.

In the summer of 2013, the case was assigned to a prosecutor and a police force whose main priority was the completion of the investigation, I tried to relieve the case prosecutor of other activities, all the letters rogatory I had with the authorities from other states . An important part was the fact that people came to denounce facts in this case. „


18 June 2017 – Ex President Traian Basescu

“Dragnea: December 2016, installs a FSN-like regime, similar to the Communist regime, under which, under the command of a single man, the party replaces both the government and the parliament.

The effect? Romania returns to the „political values” of the early 1990s, under the eyes of a majority population tolerant to democratic, fundamental rights and the rule of law, wage increases and welfare benefits.

Victor Ponta (ex DLAF Director and associate with Sebastian Ghita): In 2012, on suspension (of the President Traian Basescu), it blocks the right of the CCR to verify for constitutionality the decisions of the Parliament.

The effect? Both the EU and the US question the rule of law in Romania, the obligations of the MCV are multiplied, and the EU decides to block access to the Schengen area, which was due to take place from 1 October 2012.

 Sorin Grindeanu (Victor Ponta ally)[1]: servile and humble, in February 2017, emits, without a public debate, the famous 13th OUG dedicated to covering the corruption of his party boss, Liviu Dragnea and not the penitentiary decongestion. The effect? Europeans question the rule of law in Romania and hundreds of thousands of Romanians go out into the street demanding the departure of the government. [2]


17 June 2017 – Joseph Daul’s (President PPE[3]) special envoy to Romania, Secretary General PPE, Antonio Lopez Isturiz White:

This socialist government is worthy of the Book of Records on wrong politics and wrong politicians. In five months of government, their only achievement is the largest anti-government protest since 1989 (anti-corruption). And it will be the shortest-lived government in the recent history of the EU. I do not have to say again that this will be because of their own party. Indeed, this government beats all records, but most importantly it is bad for Romania and it is bad for the EU ” [4] Calin Popescu Tariceanu (ALDE) is playing a major role in the current political turmoil generated by the fight between “clans” of corrupt politicians.


17 June 2017 – Traian Basescu:

„Unfortunately, the struggle for power and influence of the PSD (Ion Iliescu “crime against humanity” neocommunists) clans was transferred under the Parliament’s dome. Of course, the PSD cur (mongrel dog) companion, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, will lead the works of the Reunited Chambers. In such an internal dispute, no other parliamentary party should be in the hall. Only in this way could the PSD understand how ridiculous it was, Dragnea could understand that the Teleorman-type cunning did not hold room for intelligence and the Romanians would see with their eyes what poor people voted.”[5]


17 June 2017 – Ex Minister EU Structural Funds Elena Udrea:

„Liviu Dragnea made a mistake impossible to understand trying to change his own Government in this way. At this point, Mr. Dragnea himself at a time believed that he had a deal with Coldea, and the Dragnea or Dragnea group and the people around him in the PSD are facing the system, because there are more than those around Grindeanu, the Dragnea camp Confronted with the System itself. The battle is not with Grindeanu. There are enough MPs in the PSD, in the ALDE (Calin Popescu Tariceanu) who can be blackmailed and in the PNL, not to mention, that they receive the order from the Cotroceni System and execute it.” [6]


14 June 2017 – THE ROMANIAN ANTI-CORRUPTION PROCESS: SUCCESSES AND EXCESSES – The U.S. Helsinki Commission’s hearing on June 14, 2017 [7]


“Several areas of Romania’s anti-corruption measures, had been tainted by the politicization of justice, collusion between prosecutors and the executive branch, intelligence agency influence over the process, lack of judicial independence and other abuses of the process” thus, “the fight against corruption itself has been corrupted” […] the EU CVM progress reports are false (“doubted the accuracy”) due to the Union’s “epic capacity for wishful thinking” while the fight against corruption as “a matter of national security” is doomed because “This is what leaving the policy playing field looks like” allowing corruption to spread and create weaknesses within Romanian institutions would allow for future exploitation by Russia. and Microsoft – EU Commission – OLAF.


13 June 2017 – General in Chief  Secret Services Dumitru Iliescu

” Another action was to create a portfolio of magistrates – prosecutors and judges – to respond positively to SRI requests. In these files were magistrates [..]

In order to get them out of the political (business) game those who were uncomfortable.

When a person was inconvenient, SRI was building the file. Interceptions were made and often their transcript was done after mixes, and then the originals disappeared.

Not all magistrates were in this situation.

The circuit of a SRI-built file – records, the transcript after the assemblies was forwarded to the prosecutor in the portfolio they had already, with the solution for the order, and to the court to which the dossier file was sent to with the decision already taken.[…] Another SRI objective was media control : „Through their under cover officers they had in the media, they published very serious accusations against those being investigated”

13 June 2017 – Minister EU Funds Elena Udrea (charged in the Microsoft Scandal):

 “The fact that these truths are now also said even within the system may, this time, also have a consequence in the legal plan. Thus, we have come to trivialize, to turn into gossip things that in any society, in any state of law, would trigger real revolutions […]

It’s been two years since I said that the stake in involving people in the service, headed by Mr. Coldea, in politics, at the top of society, in terms of eliminating or silencing some people in the press, is an economic one. […] I’ve been saying since then that these people were involved in business, took commissions from business people they would accept to be attended of, and I gave  the example with my ex-husband. […] He was unable to recognize the facts, because they asked him while they arrested him, but (…) he was one of those who gave money to the heads of the Romanian Intelligence Service”.[8]


13 June 2017 – European Court of Human Rights – Wheels of Justice[9]

The legal wheels began moving again after the European Court of Human Rights criticised Bucharest in 2014 for failing to fully examine the crimes committed in the aftermath of the revolution. “On June 11 and 12, 1990, the authorities decided to launch a violent attack on peacefully demonstrating protesters” opposed to the new regime which Iliescu headed after his election the month before, the prosecutor’s office said.  Besides the four dead, a further 1,380 injured and 1,250 arrested, according to the charge sheet. […] After quashing the protest, Iliescu thanked the miners for their “high sense of civic duty”. […] The former president, now 87, would go to serve two further terms before leaving office in 2004.First accused in 2005 before charges of murder and attempted murder were dropped on technicalities two years later, he denies being responsible for the violence which brought widespread international condemnation.



A story in yesterday’s New York Times reports on anti-piracy enforcement actions in Russia that have been used for more nefarious purposes than protecting intellectual property rights.

As General Counsel for Microsoft, it was not the type of story that felt good to read.

It described instances in which authorities had used piracy charges concerning Microsoft software to confiscate computers and harass non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and others engaged in public advocacy.  It suggested that there had been cases when our own counsel at law firms had failed to help clear things up and had made matters worse instead.

Whatever the circumstances of the particular cases the New York Times described, we want to be clear that we unequivocally abhor any attempt to leverage intellectual property rights to stifle political advocacy or pursue improper personal gain.  We are moving swiftly to seek to remove any incentive or ability to engage in such behavior.

Some of our internal teams around the world were already looking at these issues, and they had turned to human rights advocates to ask for advice.  We pulled these internal teams together to assess the issues raised in the New York Times story, and yesterday morning we had our internal counsel in Moscow, Paris, and London on the phone with a number of our senior Legal and Corporate Affairs personnel from the Seattle area.

Our first step is clear-cut.  We must accept responsibility and assume accountability for our anti-piracy work, including the good and the bad.  At this point some of the specific facts are less clear than we would like.  We will retain an international law firm that has not been involved in the anti-piracy work to conduct an independent investigation, report on its conclusions, and advise us of new measures we should take.

We don’t, however, want simply to wait for the outcome of this review.  Yesterday we therefore focused on two principal questions:

Can we do more with our existing software donation program for non-government organizations to protect human rights groups and journalists from unwarranted piracy accusations in these situations?

Are there additional steps that we can take to stop individuals who are fraudulently pretending to act on our behalf in order to extort organizations with threats of piracy charges?

As we talked through each issue, it became clear that there are some immediate steps we can take to start to improve the situation markedly.  We therefore decided to pursue the following:

To prevent non-government organizations from falling victim to nefarious actions taken in the guise of anti-piracy enforcement, Microsoft will create a new unilateral software license for NGOs that will ensure they have free, legal copies of our products.

This step makes sense for a couple of reasons.  First, it builds on our existing work to provide NGOs with donated software, which we’ve been doing for many years in the United States and have expanded over the past few years to over 30 countries, including Russia, where we launched the Infodonor program last year.  Under our existing program each NGO can obtain free of charge six different Microsoft software titles for up to 50 PCs.  They can then obtain 300 new licenses every other year.  In the past year, we donated software with a fair market value of over $390 million to over 42,000 NGOs around the world.  (Clearly, we’re trying to donate our software to NGOs, not focus on them as anti-piracy targets.)

One challenge, however, is that some NGOs in a number of countries, including Russia, are unaware of our program or do not know how to navigate its logistical processes, which involves ordering the donated software through a Microsoft partner.  We’ll solve this problem by providing a unilateral NGO Software License that runs automatically
from Microsoft to NGOs and covers the software already installed on their PCs.  We’ll make this new, non-transferable license applicable to NGOs in a number of countries, including in Russia.  We will also make it available to appropriate journalists’ organizations in order to include small newspapers and independent media.  Because it’s automatic, they won’t need to take any steps to benefit from its terms.

We’d still like to move NGOs to our existing donation program over time, because it better enables organizations to keep their software up-to-date and secure.  For this reason, this new unilateral software license will last until 2012, giving us plenty of time to help them move to the standard program.  (And if we learn that they need more time, we can always make that arrangement.)

The second reason this step makes sense is because it cuts in one swoop the Gordian knot that otherwise is getting in the way of our desired handling of these legal issues.  The law in Russia (and many other countries) requires that one must provide truthful information about the facts in response to a subpoena or other judicial process.  With this new software license, we effectively change the factual situation at hand.  Now our information will fully exonerate any qualifying NGO, by showing that it has a valid license to our software.

Of course, to be effective this information needs to make its way through the legal process and into the courtroom.

For this reason, we’re creating in Russia a new NGO Legal Assistance Program focused specifically on helping NGOs document to the authorities that this new software license proves that they have legal software.

To distribute information broadly across the country, we will publish and circulate to relevant authorities in Russia the terms of our newly announced NGO Software License and provide information about it on the web.  We’ll also publish contact details so NGOs and others can alert Microsoft to any questions from authorities regarding how its coverage applies to them.

In addition, upon request by an NGO, the relevant authorities or, as appropriate at our own initiative, Microsoft, will provide a letter setting out the terms of the NGO Software License and will affirm that the NGO is covered by its terms.  This will thereby make clear that the NGO is not using illegal Microsoft products and that there is no basis for any claim of copyright infringement in the matter.

We’ll also implement a number of other specific steps to ensure that our outside lawyers are well-trained in administering the NGO Software License.  During the past year we instituted mandatory training for our 40 outside counsel in Russia, and this will take that work a step further.  Finally, Microsoft internal counsel in Russia will take a more direct role in engaging with relevant authorities and will travel wherever necessary in Russia to meet personally with local authorities to explain the coverage of the NGO Software License.

Finally, we will undertake new steps to protect against third parties pretending to represent Microsoft in order to extort money for illegal software use.  Our team in Russia had already started work to address this by creating a list on the web of our authorized counsel, so that anyone can review this and readily check someone’s claim that they represent Microsoft.  This is a good step, but we can and should do more.  For that reason, I’ve asked our team to develop a new program that can begin functioning next month, and I’ve told them that we’ll provide the budget and resources needed to get this working effectively.

Ultimately, our goals are straightforward.  We aim to reduce the piracy and counterfeiting of software, and we aim to do this in a manner that respects fundamental human rights.

Piracy is a very real problem.  It costs jobs and business growth and can cheat consumers who think they’re paying for genuine products.  We know for a fact that the reduction of software piracy has breathed new life into Russia’s own software industry and has created new jobs in our industry, both at Russian software companies and for U.S. software exporters.

But none of this should create a pretext for the inappropriate pursuit of NGOs, newspapers, or other participants in civil society.  And we certainly don’t want to contribute to any such effort, even inadvertently.

At the end of the day, it’s clear that we have a responsibility to take new steps to address this situation, working in partnership with the various stakeholders concerned about this issue.   The steps described above should start to move us in that direction.  If needed, we will take further steps to ensure that they are effective.

Posted by Brad Smith

Senior Vice President and Microsoft General Counsel  [10]

Uncomfortables – Undertakers (SRI) – Microsoft – EU Commission – OLAF

“Uncomfortable” persons who were “inconvenient” to the SRI (beneficiary of the Microsoft – RSC – Medist – Asesoft – Teamnet – EU Commission – OLAF frauds), were “get out” of the economic “game” by SRI – DNA – Judges (the “tactical field”[11] of justice), by means of deceive, terror and/or assassination.

SRI would fabricate a criminal case on the name of the “Uncomfortable” entity (Omnis, Serban Ghenea, Dragos Riscanu) and gave the file to one “portfolio” prosecutor who was part of their “portfolio” of under cover agents in the judiciary.

SRI would monitor, provoke and record the “uncomfortable” entity, would professionally mix different parts of the conversations into fabricated incriminatory “evidence” and destroy the originals.

SRI would send the “evidence” to the “portfolio” prosecutor and the prosecutor would sign and send the SRI “judgment” to those judges in the SRI “portfolio”.

SRI is also using under cover officers active in the mass media institutions in order to publish denigrator articles and fake news regarding their targets, which are used also by the “portfolio” prosecutors and judges.


CAVEAT – Omnis and ourselves became targets of the above mentioned mechanisms since the year 2000, after we refused to associate with the “vile system”, and started to legitimately and legally criticize Microsoft and their criminal associates.


Please read carefully what one of the best informed people in Romania General Secret Services Dumitru Iliescu is declaring under oath (and is only part of what the assassins are actually doing)[12]:

„Actions have been taken to assure the loyalty of some local government officials – the most important mayors, because they played a special role in organizing the elections. Another action was to create a portfolio of magistrates – prosecutors and judges – to respond positively to SRI requests.

In these files were magistrates – under cover officers of the SRI. When the law changed and was banning them from being part of the SRI, they were put in reserve (but kept their jobs : prosecutors, judges, journalists, etc.) ”

Why was this portfolio needed? „In order to get them out of the political game those who were uncomfortable. When a person was inconvenient, SRI was building the file. Interceptions were made and often their transcript was done after mixes, and then the originals disappeared. Not all magistrates were in this situation. The circuit of a SRI-built file – records, the transcript after the assemblies was forwarded to the prosecutor in the portfolio they had already, with the solution for the order, and to the court to which the dossier file was sent to with the decision already taken. „These activities were run in order to control the financial flows of banking institutions with the ultimate goal of controlling commissions. The financing of the 2009 campaign, but also of other campaigns, was also due to the control of these financial flows.”

Another SRI objective was media control : „Through their under cover officers they had in the media, they published very serious accusations against those being investigated”

“Yes I am 100% convinced that the elections of 2009 were embezzled, as were also the elections of 2014.”


CONCLUSION: These are the people and the methods Microsoft – EU Commission – OLAF do associate with in order to embezzle hundreds of billions of euro, while braking all the laws known to people and infringing all the fundamental rights in the name of democracy.



“BOMB” from the Constitutional Court: Kovesi is REQUIRED to come to the Parliament

The referral filed by the PNL and the USR on the amendments to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate was rejected by the judges of the Constitutional Court.

The main amendment to the Regulation provides for the obligation of any person to appear before a parliamentary inquiry commission.

It was on this amendment that the PNL and the USR Constitutional Court had noticed, but the judges decided to reject[13]



Alessandro Buttice[14] visits on 19 September 2006 the Romanian national tv station Realitatea Tv, owned by Sorin Ovidiu Vintu (SOV), one of the most dangerous proven criminals in Romania (the other is Sebastian Ghita, at the time associated with SOV) and delivers a terrorist message to the press, before visiting together with Cristian Unteanu, the summer reteat of SOV in order to receive orders and black caviar :

“I came to attend a seminar
organized by the Media Union and the „International Federation of Journalists”, and here I am in a press office (Romania Tv) where I can see Romanian journalism in the process of making. […] The Romanian press is an active one, but it is still very young (8 April 1829 – first Romanian newspaper is printed)[15] and inclined towards sensationalism.

Thus, OLAF would like journalists dealing with fraud and relating about fraud cases to know better about what European funding mechanisms are, so that they later could become specialists in investigating irregularities. The risk arises when the press distributes a message like, „Everyone is corrupt, everyone is doing scams,” and after (OLAF) solving some cases (OF/2005/0417), the message would logically turn into

„None is corrupt, no one is cheating.” [16]


1.2 – State of play of judicial investigations conducted in Romania and scope of OLAF’s external investigation

 As from 2004, several criminal investigations were opened in Romania in relation to the alleged facts. Between 2004 and October 2012, prosecution procedures launched were closed with unfavourable decisions towards OMNIS GROUP (closed cases or conviction under civil law).

On 8 October 2012, by order of Public Prosecutor of Bucharest Court, previous judicial decisions on the facts were ruled out and a new judicial investigation was opened under reference 85/P/2011 directed by Mrs MORARU. Public Prosecutor at the Directia Nationala Anticoruptie (DNA).

In this context, further to the request of Mrs MORARU in September 2012 to receive active support from OLAF, the case was reclassified by OLAF as an external investigation on 15 November 2012 but with the following limited scope of action: supporting the on-going investigations conducted in Romania by requesting crucial information from MICROSOFT CORPORATION (in particular the source code of NAVISION 3.60 software) so that the Romanian authorities could clarify if the softwares delivered by RSC correspond to softwares developed on basis of source codes of NAVISION 3.60 received from MICROSOFT CORPORATION or from piracy of ISIS.NET software owned by OMNIS GROUP.

Indeed, in the context of the judicial investigations initiated in Romania, RSC argued for its defense that the delivered softwares had been designed autonomously by RSC, in particular on the basis of source codes and applications provided for free by MICROSOFT CORPORATION, owner of NAVISION 3.60.




[3] When we stick to our values, people trust us.




[7] Annex 1



[8] Referring to the fortunes of the top intelligence services, Udrea also spoke about … the wardrobe of the former deputy head of the SRI, Florian Coldea. „When I met Mr. Coldea, he was dressed in Louis Vuitton, as long as we’re talking about shoes and bags. If they judged me and judged me for my shoes, I tell you that Mr. Coldea, and I was a the wife of a (very rich) businessman, dressed exactly in Louis Vuitton, and is not a cheap brand”. Revealed the former minister.








[15] The first Romanian newpaper Curierul Romanesc was printed on – 8 aprilie 1829

[16] ANNEX 1

Alessandro Buttice and Giovani Kessler have always been very appreciative of their collaboration with the DNA and DLAF.

Reporter: In acest caz ne puteti spune cum apreciati colaborarea cu ministrul Cristian David (ministru delegat pentru controlul implementarii programelor cu finantare internationala si urmarirea aplicarii acquis-ului comunitar) si cu organismul pe care acesta il conduce?
Alessandro Buttice: Colaborarea cu autoritatile investigative romane este foarte buna, ne sustinem reciproc in demersuri, multe lucruri trebuie facute, dar colaborarea este satisfacatoare.

“Când o persoană era incomodă, SRI construia dosarul. Erau făcute interceptări și de multe ori transcriptul lor era realizat după mixaje, iar după aceea dispăreau originalele. Nu toți magistrații erau în această situație.  Circuitul unui dosar construit de SRI – înregistrări, transcriptul după montaje era inaintat procurorului din portofoliul pe care-l aveau deja, cu soluția pentru ordonanță, și se indica și instanța căreia să-i fie înaintat dosarul cu soluția în dosar […] Prin acoperiții pe care-i aveau în mass-media se venea cu acuze foarte grave asupra celui care era cercetat” Dumitru Iliescu – un om foarte bine informat 



UNDE E TORȚIONARUL CĂTĂLIN VARTIC CARE AMENINȚA ÎN CONTUL SRI CHIAR ÎN INCINTA DNA ? … în timp ce se prefăcea că anchetează Microsoft – Fijitsu Siemens – EADS … 



Ar fi mai bine să nu te mai duci la DNA, că în mod normal și natural dacă legea ar fi respectată, vor trebui să-ți pună cătușele și să te lege de gardul podgoriei lui Ghită … împreună cu Bill Gates …


Dezvăluiri care CUTREMURĂ justiția: ‘Unii magistrați au fost numiți la ordinele SRI-ului’

Dezvăluiri incendiare în comisia parlamentară care anchetează alegerile prezidențiale din 2009. Dumitru Iliescu, fost șef al Serviciului de Protecție și Pază, a spus, printre altele, că unii magistrați au fost numiți la ordinele SRI-ului.

”S-au derulat acțiuni pentru fidelizarea unor conducători ai unor instituții publice de la nivel local – primarii cei mai importanți, pentru că aveau un rol deosebit în organizarea alegerilor. O altă acțiune a fost crearea unui portofoliu de magistrați – procurori și judecători – care să răspundă pozitiv la solicitările SRI. În aceste dosare erau magistrați – ofițeri acoperiți ai SRI. Când a apărut legea prin care li se interzicea să mai facă parte din SRI, au fost trecuți în rezervă”, a dezvăluit Dumitru Iliescu, potrivit Realitatea tv.

Pentru ce a fost necesar acest portofoliu?

”Pentru a-i scoate din jocul politic pe cei care erau incomozi. Când o persoană era incomodă, SRI construia dosarul. Erau făcute interceptări și de multe ori transcriptul lor era realizat după mixaje, iar după aceea dispăreau originalele. Nu toți magistrații erau în această situație. Circuitul unui dosar construit de SRI – înregistrări, transcriptul după montaje era inaintat procurorului din portofoliul pe care-l aveau deja, cu soluția pentru ordonanță, și se indica și instanța căreia să-i fie înaintat dosarul cu soluția în dosar”, a precizat fostul șef al SPP.

Din acest porofoliu, susține el, au fost numiți și o parte dintre judecătorii Biroului Electoral Central, precum și unii șefi ai unor secții de votare și chiar membri ai secțiilor de votare.

”Acestea s-au derulat pentru a avea control asupra fluxurilor financiare ale instituțiilor bancare cu scopul final de a controla comisioanele. Finanțarea campaniei din 2009, dar și a altor campanii, s-a făcut și datorită controlului acestor fluxuri financiare”, a mai afirmat Dumitru Iliescu.

Un alt obiectiv al SRI a fost controlul asupra mass-media, susține acesta. ”Prin acoperiții pe care-i aveau în mass-media se venea cu acuze foarte grave asupra celui care era cercetat”, a declarat Iliescu, în Comisie.