”În realitate, operativii CIA – ofițerii de caz în limbaj colocvial – de fapt folosesc alte persoane străini, să fure secrete pentru ei, de cele mai multe ori. Persoane cu acces la secrete care sunt perfect conștientecă își riscă viața și posibil pe cea a familiilor lor, ca să fure informație pentru U.S.A.” John Sipher
Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror Hardcover – February 23, 2016 by Michael V. Hayden (Author) NSA – C.I.A. Director – admirator al Maior – Coldea – Koveși
“Documentele declasificate ale C.I.A. descriu cu claritate cum mogulul finanțelor George Soroș și-a luat drept țintă guvernul lui Mikhail Gorbachev încă din anul 1887. Soroș care era deja destul de înstărit, lucra îndeaproape cu o organizație nonguvernamentală (ONG) afiliată C.I.A., IEWSS – Institutul pentru pentru Studii de Securitate Est – Vest, pentru a profita de politicile ’perestroika’ și ’glasnost’ în vederea infiltrării systemul economic și politic Sovietic pentru a accelera prăbușirea acestora.” Soroș și Prietenii Săi din CIA au luat drept țintă USSR/Rusia în 1987 – Wayne Madsen 9 Decembrie 2015
“M-am implicat îndeaproape în Uniunea Sovietică la începutul anului 1987, după ce Gorbachev la chemat pe Sakharov să revină la Moscova pentru a își ’relua activitățile patritoice.’ După îndelungate negocieri cu autoritățile Sovietice, am înființat o fundație numită ’Inițiativa Culturală’ pentru obiectivul declarat de a ajuta Uniunea Sovietică să devină o societate mai deschisă. Bordul sau de directori reprezintă elitele glasnost” Potențialul lui Gorbachev – George Soroș 1 Iunie 1989
„Am venit aici (București) după înlăturarea lui Ceauşescu, în 5 ianuarie 1990. Cred că am sosit cu primul avion civil care a aterizat la Bucureşti, încă mai erau soldaţi aliniaţi pe drumul spre oraş. Îmi amintesc că era zăpadă. România se afla încă în stare de criză, dar Revoluţia era terminată (a fost înființată Fundația Culturală Româna – devenită ulterior Institutul Cultural Român)“, a afirmat Soros la sfârşitul anului 2005 într-un interviu pe care i l-a acordat lui Robert Turcescu, la acea vreme realizator al emisiunii 100% de la Realitatea TV.
“We don’t steal secrets,” Brennan responded. “We uncover, we discover, we reveal, we obtain, we elicit, we solicit. All of that.” John Brennan
„Is he joking?” a former CIA senior manager, John Sipher, complained in an essay on The Cipher Brief, a national security-oriented website. “Let me be clear…what my colleagues and I did in the CIA was espionage—stealing secrets. We didn’t ‘discover,’ we stole.”
“One of the things that distinguishes the CIA from the State Department,” Hayden said, “is that the CIA is both asked to, and authorized to, steal secrets. So if the question is whether the CIA steals secrets, the answer is yes.”
“Let me be clear…what my colleagues and I did in the CIA was espionage—stealing secrets. We didn’t ‘discover,’ we stole.”
In reality, CIA operatives—case officers in spy argot—actually get other people—foreigners, for the most part—to steal secrets for them. Or as Sipher put it: “People with access to secrets who were well aware that they were risking their lives, and possibly those of their families, to steal information for the U.S.”
Hayden, whose memoir, Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror, was recently published, said he was often asked about the difference between the CIA and the U.S. State Department, whose diplomats are also tasked with gathering “intelligence” on the countries they are assigned to.
“One of the things that distinguishes the CIA from the State Department,” Hayden said, “is that the CIA is both asked to, and authorized to, steal secrets. So if the question is whether the CIA steals secrets, the answer is yes.”
Soros and His CIA Friends Targeted USSR/Russia in 1987
WAYNE MADSEN 9 December 2015
Declassified Central Intelligence Agency documents clearly describe how international hedge fund mogul George Soros targeted the Soviet government of Mikhail Gorbachev as early as 1987. Soros, who was already quite wealthy, worked closely with a CIA-linked non-governmental organization (NGO), the Institute for East-West Security Studies (IEWSS), to take advantage of Gorbachev’s policies of «perestroika» and «glasnost» to infiltrate the Soviet economic and political systems to hasten their demise.
The Gorbachev Prospect George Soros JUNE 1, 1989 ISSUE
I became closely involved in the Soviet Union early in 1987 after Gorbachev summoned Sakharov to return to Moscow to “resume his patriotic work.” After extensive negotiations with Soviet officials, I set up a foundation called “Cultural Initiative” for the expressed purpose of helping the Soviet Union to evolve into a more open society. Its Board of Directors reads like the Who’s Who of glasnost.
My experience with the foundation has given me a vantage point from which to observe the evolution of Gorbachev’s new thinking, and the changes being made in Soviet society; and it has helped me to understand what Gorbachev is trying to achieve in international relations, internal politics, and economic reform.
I believe that his vision is clearest and most far-sighted in international relations—indeed, in the USSR the expression “new thinking” is usually applied to international politics. That is also where he can count on the most competent professional advisers, because Soviet officials who have spent time abroad are among the strongest supporters of his reforms.
Soros and His CIA Friends Targeted USSR/Russia in 1987
WAYNE MADSEN 09 December 2015
Declassified Central Intelligence Agency documents clearly describe how international hedge fund mogul George Soros targeted the Soviet government of Mikhail Gorbachev as early as 1987. Soros, who was already quite wealthy, worked closely with a CIA-linked non-governmental organization (NGO), the Institute for East-West Security Studies (IEWSS), to take advantage of Gorbachev’s policies of «perestroika» and «glasnost» to infiltrate the Soviet economic and political systems to hasten their demise.
At the same time, the IEWSS included as board members Eastern European Communist government officials who were, by virtue of their positions in the IEWSS, aiding and abetting the Soros operations to destabilize the Soviet Union.
“We don’t steal secrets,” Brennan responded. “We uncover, we discover, we reveal, we obtain, we elicit, we solicit. All of that.” John Brennan
„Is he joking?” a former CIA senior manager, John Sipher, complained in an essay on The Cipher Brief, a national security-oriented website. “Let me be clear…what my colleagues and I did in the CIA was espionage—stealing secrets. We didn’t ‘discover,’ we stole.”
“One of the things that distinguishes the CIA from the State Department,” Hayden said, “is that the CIA is both asked to, and authorized to, steal secrets. So if the question is whether the CIA steals secrets, the answer is yes.”
Hayden, whose memoir, Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror, was recently published, said he was often asked about the difference between the CIA and the U.S. State Department, whose diplomats are also tasked with gathering “intelligence” on the countries they are assigned to.
“One of the things that distinguishes the CIA from the State Department,” Hayden said, “is that the CIA is both asked to, and authorized to, steal secrets. So if the question is whether the CIA steals secrets, the answer is yes.”