Articole care conţin cuvântul cheie CIA

Domnul Maior aveti grija sa nu ii iritati pe Microsoft si partenerii Medist si RSC ! Ei nu fura, ei fac cadouri la SRI la fel cum in Romania nu au fost inchisori secrete.

History will judge us by our commitment to a just society governed by law and the willingness to face an ugly truth and say ‘never again.’ ” Senator Dianne Feinstein of California Chairwomen of the Commission to Investigate CIA torture and secret prisons

The program expanded, with dozens of detainees taken to secret prisons in Poland, Romania, Lithuania and other countries. At one point, the report says, the C.I.A. assured Congress that the behavior of the secret jailers and interrogators was nothing like the horrors the world saw at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. That was the closest the agency seems to have come to the truth — what happened appears to have been worse than what took place at Abu Ghraib.

Cum e turcu’ (CIA) si pistolu’ (SRI) si toporu’ (DNA)

Problema controlului democratic al Serviciilor secrete e una definitorie pentru o ţară civilizată. Ştiam din istoria CIA de capacitatea unui serviciu secret de deveni o tumoare cancerigenă pentru statul de drept în clipa cînd scapă de sub control. Dacă Serviciile secrete nu se ştiu controlate de Parlament, de presă, de societatea civilă, ele devin rapid Poliţie Politică. La noi bănuiam acest risc, ivit din cauza lui Traian Băsescu. După preluarea Preşedinţiei, Traian Băsescu suflase în pînzele Serviciilor Secrete prin laude infinite, prin promovarea spectaculoasă a unor ofiţeri, prin apărarea faţă de orice tentativă de a avertiza asupra derapajelor acestora de la normele democratice. Colaborarea Serviciilor noastre cu serviciile occidentale, cu CIA, îndeosebi, contribuise la ridicarea lor pe un postament al Democraţiei, deşi, între noi fie vorba, din faptul că te apreciază CIA nu înseamnă în chip automat că nu faci porcării pe plan intern, ba dimpotrivă, avînd în vedere tradiţia Agenţiei în materie de abuzuri şi chiar crime, aprecierea ar trebui să fie un semnal de alarmă. Faptul că însuşi Traian Băsescu avertiza asupra pericolului transformării Serviciilor noastre secrete în Poliţie Politică era de natură să provoace un cutremur pe scena noastră publică.

The report, which was only approved by the committee’s Democrats (Republicans on the committee say they plan to release their own report), concludes that the CIA routinely exceeded legally allowable techniques to get information from detainees and that the techniques were not effective in obtaining it. Yet, the agency systematically lied to the White House, Congress and the Department of Justice about its efficacy in order to continue its operations.

Still, Hayden, who headed the CIA for the final years of the Bush administration, said he studied the program when he took over in 2006 and was unwilling to end it. „At the end of the summer I recommended to President Bush that we reduce the program, that we reduce the number of techniques, but that the program had been so valuable that we couldn’t stop it altogether,” he said. „Even though now we had so much more intelligence on al-Qaeda from the detainees and other sources, even then the program had proven its worth…in conscience, I couldn’t take it off the table.”